Sneaky Horse Traction Augmentation Ltd. is a Canadian company. While in its infancy, many innovative technologies are in the works. Our current single line of products is the Sneaky Horse Pull Bar. The idea is to offer a more complete control over load patterns to racers that is currently not available. Using Swift Springs technology and special ballistic rubber bushings, or optional disc springs, the bar is extremely versatile and strong adjustments can be made to the piece without removing it from the car. We would like to welcome our new customers and thank them for allowing us to be a part of their program.
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Currently we have two versions of the pull bar available, one with disc springs in conjunction with coil spring, and one with bushings in conjunction with coil spring. Bushing and spring bar is IMCA and UMP legal, while the disc spring bar is legal in Wissota, NCRA, USRA, and USMTS. We are working on a lift arm device, a RR device, RF bump device and some rear and front geometry setups to help push your program over the top.
“Let us hook you up”